85% resolution of symptoms from lupus but then she had a setback that’s the story of my latest client to tackle lupus Ana positive autoimmune disease using the Mind gut immunity method lots of important lessons here so you’re not going to want to miss [Music] this hi there I’m Dr chanu doer a surgeon who specializes in reversing gut microbiome dysfunction and autoimmune inflammation my technique for reversing symptoms and as little as 6 weeks has helped thousands of patients over the years and is called the Mind gut immunity method and if you would like to learn more please visit mgic clinic. com and request a discovery call here we see one of my clients who had a special case she resolved 85% of her lupus symptoms with the MAA immunity clinic but then she had a setback while she was almost fully recovered a month into the program she received an elective vaccine in preparation for a vacation to Africa and unfortunately developed an adverse reaction which lasted for quite some time in our program we do encounter some of these unplanned challenges from time to time that cause flares and we’re able to successfully manage those triggers long term resilience builds up over time and the longer and longer someone is symptom free the better they can handle triggers and stressors keep in mind before starting the program her Physicians started her on hydroxy chloroquin and prednizone steroids which did not work she even tried another diet that did not work and the knowledge and Direction she received with the Mind immunity Clinic was instrumental in her initial success what are some of the positive benefits you have seen since joining the Mind gut immunity Clinic um positive benefits well one thing is is that I have confidence in you and the ability to go naturally to heal my lupus yeah and that was something that was pretty important to you I remember when you first joined the Mind gun immunity Clinic you had um you obviously had a bunch of unresolved issues related to the lupus can you describe to me some of your symptoms um as they related to your diagnosis and then how maybe some of them have improved over time well I wish I could um having having had the a typhoid vaccine I think has set me back but one thing that I have noticed is I have noticed noticed that I’m not nearly as tender like um say on my legs as I was before so I I know that the inflammation is still present in some areas but I also noticed that the inflammation has gone down which I also feel like with lupus it moves around a lot so but I’ve Al always had quite a bit of pain in my legs to to the touch and I’ve been noticing that it is less yeah let’s talk about the typhoid vaccine because we kind of went back and forth with this I I actually have one other client I just got off uh I did actually one of these update calls just uh just yesterday actually who is who also has autoimmune who is about to get a typhoid vaccine in um you know in preparation for travel and I was telling her about what had happened to you because prior to the vaccine you had done pretty good I would say a lot of your symptoms had gotten substantially better right um absolutely I what percentage if you had to put a percentage on what percentage of your symptoms improved with the Mind gun immunity protocols what percentage were resolved before the before the set of vaccines that you got I had I figured I was at like 85% better yeah yeah that’s kind of what we talked about you like you were rocking and rolling and then you you got this vaccine which you had a horrible reaction to yes and I’m just not sure that I’ve recovered fully from that yeah yeah and it’s it’s going to be a and I think I agree with you I think it’s probably going to be a slow a little bit of a slow recovery from this because um you know obvious as you know vaccines kind of stimulate this immune response and even though you know the the symptoms have gotten better substantially right we’re still we still anytime the the immune system gets revved up in autoimmune it just ends up being a big uh it’s kind of a challenge right and that’s kind of what we’re we’re we’re going through right now it’s still better like when was the vaccine when did you get it it was like a few weeks ago probably probably a month ago now few weeks ago um oh yeah about a month okay and then it was really bad your symptoms were really bad that week afterwards right and then it’s been about slowly dissipating would you say or um very slowly yeah very really yeah the progress is not as fast as uh we’d want it but um yeah no I’m glad we’re talking about this this is very helpful these types of things I think will help um other folks in this similar situation right they’re considering like vaccines different types of vaccines for different things um especially with autoimmune this is very important um it’s very important to know this stuff um when you before you joined the program um what were your doctors doing for you to help address your issues um hydroxy chlorine I take hydroxy chlorine for milligrams a day um on occasion recommending prazone when my symptoms would be pretty extreme and then they were uh suggesting you know a well balanced diet and oh great so your Physicians actually spoke to you about that yes it just uh wasn’t quite getting it yeah and that’s the challenge right is trying to have a program put together for you and custom made for you it’s kind of we need just get these other diet and there are other diet plans out there but it’s it’s a challenge to execute them I think yeah well I really like the support system that I have with you and Mariah um to help me whenever I’m in question yeah what would you say were some of the limitations in the traditional healthc care setting with is it that lack of support system and the lack of guidance uh yeah the the lack of knowledge as well yeah um the reporting back the diary yeah that’s really nice right I really do think that doing the food journal The Daily Journal is very helpful um we ask for everything we ask for daily food some some of our clients we ask ask them to take you know send us what their stools look like um hours slept their exercise their energy levels I mean we we track everything you know yeah I think that’s very very helpful especially if you maybe have a little bit of a flare up or something you can look back to see what it could have been yeah like in your scenario we had 85% of your symptoms under control and then and then we were we were actually like almost high-fiving over the phone and then and then this thing happened with the you know you had a really bad vaccine reaction and now we’re just picking up the pieces again it’s like we’re back to like we’re back to square one except this time you have this revved up immune response that we have to combat it’s kind of it’s yeah I know that’s the only disappointment I think is that you know you’re making so much progress in the first like several weeks and then bam this thing happened and here we are just like going back to to it and get getting you back on track I really really did think at six weeks that I was going to be better in a couple more weeks yeah I think to be honest with you that this will this will resolve I think um as it does normally even in folks like I see a lot of clients over the years right they’ll they’ll have fixed their immune response and and it’s a really a question of how far out they are from their disease process like you you were just a few weeks into this thing and then the the vaccine happened well had you been like say I don’t know 5 10 years out right and then you got some you know some little like vaccine or something you might not have had that strong of a reaction I think um obviously the length of time matters and it matters for a lot of things like for example when I had my autoimmune issues like years years ago like the things I couldn’t get away with then I can get away with now you know for example example and so I think there’s there is a resilience that gets built up it’s just really hard when you know if in the middle of the protocol or that you know you get sick or you get a really you know adverse reaction to medication or vaccine I could see that being an issue um what are you looking forward to the most once you’re recovered from this this bout of what’s going on I look forward to mostly of not having pain I mean seriously uh being able [Music] to open jars I mean just simple things that uh are hard to do and then finally what advice would you give to someone who is struggling with immune inflammation and digestive dysfunction I I would just say to stick with it I’m I’m very confident that it I know that it works I know that yes you can have setbacks but I know that if you persevere you’re going to be in a much better health in the long run be able to avoid the prescriptions which are just a Band-Aid yeah I they should get on your program as quick as possible and follow it as close as possible thanks for the plug I appreciate it thank you but yeah um I know it’s you know the the part about this is it’s not um there’s no quick fix I think I think that’s sort of clear but having a a a guided um more like a guided program that’s evidence-based I think that addresses sort of the risk factors so you know know the risk factors include diet digestion sleep stress exercise these are like the main five things that you know most people who have got microbiome dysfunction who have Lupus who have autoimmune disease these things keep coming up and so these are the only things that are in our control there are other things outside of our control such as you know in your scenario where you know you might have something that’s causing you to be sick or causing you to have a reaction those things are hopefully few and far between um but I agree with you I think you know it’s it’s great when you see you know like a 85% resolution in just a few weeks the the disheartening thing is that you know the if it if if you get sick or you get a reaction in just a short period of time you can unwind that progress pretty fast and the longer and longer and longer you go without symptoms so to speak if you go months years decades then I think these little insults right like vaccines or you you get a cold or you get exposure to a a virus or whatever the case may be they’re not as profound and they don’t put you back so fast and I think that’s probably the Learning lesson here so I hope you enjoyed that segment if you enjoyed my content don’t forget to like And subscribe and if you think this will help someone you know be sure to repost a link to this video as always I’m Dr Chan oser with the manga immunity Clinic let me know if I can help you out