For our clients, we help design custom diet plans based on several key criteria: Microbiome Specificity, Phytonutrients, Macronutrients, and Food Sensitivity. These four criteria help determine whether any type of diet will work for managing Sjogren’s syndrome symptoms during a flare, as well as healing inflammation over time, to reach remission. In this video, we review many popular diets out there, and compare them to the Mind-Gut-Immunity method.
00:00-1:19: Introduction
01:20-1:58: Studies showing plant-based nutrition protocol results, Gut Microbiota and fecal metabolome with gut dysfunction and gut microbiome dysfunction in Sjogren’s syndrome patients.
01:59-02:44: The Ideal Diet for Sjogren’s syndrome and how to find it.
02:45-03:53: The importance of Phytonutrients and Sjogren’s syndrome; polyphenols, antioxidants, prebiotic fiber, and starches.
03:54-04:12: Phytonutrient categories and subgroups; Terpenes, Phenols, Chlorophyll, Thiyocynates, Phyto-enzymes, Phyto-oils, Prebiotics & Alkaloids.
04:13-05:05: Benefits of Phytonutrients in Sjogren’s syndrome and autoimmune inflammation.
05:06-06:06: Nutritional Requirements; intermittent fasting issues with Sjogren’s syndrome.
06:07-06:51: Body Mass Index (BMI) importance on Sjogren’s syndrome and how to calculate it.
06:52-07:50: Macronutrients, how to calculate and recommendations for optimal gut health, weight loss or weight gain.
07:51-08:16: The gut microbiome and how inflammation occurs. (Bad bacteria/Fungus & Sugars/Carbs/Fiber)
08:17-09:17: Carnivore diet, what it is and does it work for Sjogren’s syndrome?
09:18-09:50: The SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet), what it is and does it work for Sjogren’s syndrome?
09:51-10:14: The Low FODMAP Diet, what is it and does it work to get rid of inflammation?
10:15-10:52: Do any of the “low-carb” diets help with inflammation for Sjogren’s syndrome?
10:53-11:54: The Ideal Sjogren’s syndrome Diet Should Be Microbiome-Specific.
11:55-12:19: Inflammatory Foods and Complex Protein Theory.
12:20-13:01: The Vegan diet, what is it and does it help Sjogren’s syndrome inflammation long term?
13:02-13:36: The Mediterranean diet explanation and will it help with Sjogren’s syndrome?
13:37-13:56: Mind-Gut Immunity Method: Phytonutrient rich diet, macro and micronutrient tracking for a targeted approach.
13:57-14:42: Food Diary and Food Sensitivity Tests.
14:43-15:22: Types of Food Sensitivity and Allergy Tests.
15:23-16:04: Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet, what is it, and will it help your inflammation long term?
16:05-17:01: Low Histamine Diet, explained and can it reduce inflammation in your gut?
17:02-17:14: The Sjogren’s syndrome Ideal Diet Recap.
17:05-18:13: Mind-Gut Immunity method explained.
have you ever wondered why doctors Specialists rheumatologists rarely discuss the ideal diet for managing shogren syndrome in this video I’m going to share with you the most effective dietary practices for managing shogren syndrome based on insights gained from years of treating patients with autoimmune conditions whether you’re dealing with consistently dry mouth eye discomfort or other chronic symptoms these tips are tailored to help reduce inflammation and provide real sustainable relief [Music] hi I’m Dr chono do founder of the Mind gut immunity Clinic we help solve complex inflammation in thousands of patients who have successfully avoided medications symptoms and conditions such as shogren syndrome are in fact reversible and this may sound surprising when you examine intestinal inflammation in autoimmune disease through the lens of gut microbiome it becomes clear that most inflammation is driven by gut health is issues if you’re curious about our approach and want to hear about our success stories check the link in the description or visit mgic to schedule a discovery call with me I’ll provide you with some useful tips to help get you started also you can find numerous success stories from real patients on our site offering insights that you can apply to your own life let’s dive in here’s a 2024 study that explores how three women with shogan syndrome adopted a plant-based nutritional protocol emphasizing leafy greens cruciferous vegetables and omega-3 fat fatty acids remarkably nearly all symptoms resolved within weeks this other study from 2022 examined and compared the gut microbiota and feal metabolome of shogren syndrome patients and healthy controls and found a relationship between gut disbiosis and metabolic disturbances and this 2020 study looks at the connection between gut microbiome and autoimmune dry eyes and shogran syndrome and discusses how prebiotics and probiotics can impact dry eye Management in this video we’re going to explore the ideal diet for managing shogren syndrome whether you’re dealing with chronic dryness fatigue or just trying to improve your overall comfort and energy levels finding the right foods can be challenging especially if you’re aiming to avoid medications like immunosuppressants or steroids over the years I’ve helped many patients reduce their shoger and symptoms and manage inflammation naturally without relying on medications that only mask the symptoms but what sets this approach apart many specialists tell you that shogran is something you just have to live with or manage with temporary fixes that don’t address the root cause however much of my experience and research suggests that much of this conventional advice overlooks a critical piece of the puzzle and in this video I’ll share with you the best dietary strategies for managing shogren syndrome common mistakes to avoid and how to achieve lasting relief the first major point I’d like to make is the importance of phytonutrients in trogan syndrome there is substantial evidence highlighting the critical role phytonutrients play in managing and healing autoimmune conditions like shogren syndrome here’s a 2021 study that reviews the potential benefit benefits of using natural bioactive compounds such as polyphenols to alleviate dry eye and dry mouth symptoms in shogran syndrome another 2021 study explores the therapeutic use of green tea polyphenols on salivary gland dysfunction in shogren syndrome and here’s one from 2020 discussing the therapeutic effects of catapal a compound from the herb r radics on primary shogren syndrome there are numerous studies showing the impact of Fon nutrients and inflammation and immune function particularly in conditions like shogen syndrome that could spend hours diving into to the science but but here’s a quick overview of what really matters phytonutrients are potent plant compounds found in foods like fruits vegetables and herbs that play a key role in reducing inflammation they include antioxidants flavonoids and other micronutrients that are essential for human health when it comes to managing shogren syndrome optimizing the intake of these phytonutrients can be transformative in reducing systemic inflammation and improving dryness symptoms phytonutrients are divided into key categories such as Turpin phenols chlorophyll and prebiotics among others each one of these groups has specific benefits of REM modulating inflammation and supporting immune balance many people with autoimmune conditions like shogren have deficiencies in these compounds which disrupts the delicate balance between immune system the gut and overall health the goal is to maximize and diversify your phytonutrient intake from Whole Foods and by doing so you’ll provide your body with the resources it needs to combat the underlying causes of shogun’s inflammation a diet low in phytonutrients leaves you vulnerable to chronic inflammation and worsening shogren Sy symptoms on the other hand a diet rich in these compounds can naturally help manage inflammation and support overall health I recommend incorporating phytonutrients into every meal and consider every meal as an opportunity to heal and nourish your immune system this is particularly crucial for those dealing with shogren syndrome because that right foods can help you balance your gut microbiome and reduce systemic dryness and fatigue the takeaway is simple phytonutrients are key players and managing shogren syndrome more effectively if your diet lacks these vital compounds it’s no surprise that your symptoms will persist Main maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is essential for reducing inflammation and phytonutrients are a major component in achieving that balance the second point I’d like to make is nutritional needs and macro counting for shrin disease in recent years intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a way to reduce inflammation but when it comes to managing autoimmune conditions like shogran fasting may do more harm than good in fact a recent 2024 study shows that intermittent fasting increases the risk of cardiac death by staggering 91% and people are risking their health by avoiding food all together many people still believe that fasting is a solution especially for inflammation while short-term fasting May provide some relief by reducing the metabolic load on the gut long-term fasting leads to new problems such as muscle and weight loss thyroid dysfunction increases in stress hormones like cortisol disrupted sleep nutritional deficiencies and digestive issues such as nausea bloating poor appetite and persistent fatigue when these problems develop eating becomes even more challenging you might feel very bloated gassy low energy after meals and these symptoms can deter you from eating adequately in the future creating a vicious cycle that’s hard to break especially if you’re underweight and have Shogun being underweight with Shogun with a body mass index BMI of 18 or lower can be particularly problematic you can easily calculate your BMI using the BMA calculator that you can find on our Clinic’s website you just enter in your height and your weight if your BMI is below 18 and you have shogran syndrome you are at serious risk and I’ve treated patients with a BMI as low as 13 which can be very severe when you have a low BMI and shogran syndrome it means your body is in a catabolic State breaking down protein rather than building it up which limits your body’s ability to heal and manage inflammation effectively the key to managing shogren syndrome is not avoiding food but rather focusing on reducing inflammation while maintaining a balanced nourishing diet but unfortunately many people become discouraged when they can’t find the right Foods leading them to skip meals which can only make things worse when it comes to finding the optimal macronutrient balance for shogren focus on carbs fats and proteins if inflammation reduction is your goal I recommend a macronutrient ratio of approximately 50% fats 25% carbs and 25% proteins although this ratio isn’t backed by studies it’s based on my experience working with numerous patients who achieved positive results with shogren if you’re looking to lose weight reducing carbs and fats while increasing protein may be beneficial conversely if you need to gain weight increasing your calorie intake and finding a better balance between carbs and fats is essential tracking these macronutrients will require some effort but it’s well worth it getting your nutrition right for shogren can make a significant difference in your long-term health and symptom management the balance of macronutrients carbs fats and proteins plays a significant role in managing shogren syndrome your gut microbiome which is key in regulating immune responses thrives on specific nutrients especially carbohydrates however not all carbs are created equal you have bad bacteria and fungi that in the presence of sugars carbs and fiber can produce inflammation simple sugars like glucose and fructose fuel harm ful bacteria and fungi worsening inflammation in conditions like shogren processed starches often found in flour also do the same on the flip side complex or resistant starches promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and fiber selectively nurtures good bacteria which is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune balance you may be thinking why not cut out carbs Al together well that’s where the carnivore diet comes in the carnivore diet for shans is entirely meat based eliminating fiber and carbs completely while including essential electrolytes the carnivore diet for shogren eliminates all carbohydrates including fiber lactose starches and sugars unlike keto or low carb diets that might still include carbs a strict carnivore approach Cuts them out entirely by following this diet strictly you eliminate the primary fuel for harmful bacteria in the gut this approach is especially beneficial during periods of heightened inflammation or flare-ups however while the carnivore diet can offer short-term relief it is not necessarily sustainable longterm for everyone the original paleo diet which evolved into the carnivore diet was more plant-based with occasional meat aligning more closely with the phytonutrient rich approach that I generally recommend so while going carnivore might help during acute flares it may not be ideal for long-term gut and immune health and I have a dedicated video to discussing this topic more in detail so be sure to check that out if you’re curious another approach for managing shogren is the specific carbohydrate diet or SCD diet aims to reduce inflammation by eliminating hard to digest carbohydrates that can ferment in the gut leading to bacterial overgrowth the S diet for shogren eliminates complex carbs like disaccharides and polysaccharides that contribute to bacterial imbalances and flare-ups in my experience addressing gut microbiome issues with targeted probiotics and supporting them with a diverse array of phytonutrients is a more effective approach than the S alone the SED for shogren often delivers inconsistent results and lacks Precision another diet often recommended for managing gut related conditions like shogan syndrome is the low FODMAP diet this diet focuses on limiting fermentable car carbohydrates that can cause gut discomfort and Trigger inflammation fodmaps are short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed leading to fermentation and gut issues the low FODMAP diet for shogen involves an elimination phase followed by a reintroduction phase to identify specific triggers so with so many diets restricting carbs it’s natural to wonder which one actually works the challenge is that many of these diets don’t address the root cause the gut microbiome dysfunction the overgrowth of bacteria that processes carbs leads to the production of harmful metabolites conditions like sibo and candida are examples of this with overgrowth of bacteria and fungi that disrupts the immune balance you have a dysfunctional gut microbiome introduced to carbs sugars and fiber which leads to inflammation while these shogren diets focus on restricting problematic carbs they often Overlook long-term microbiome Health ultimately they provide only temporary relief delaying the need to address the underlying gut issues and that brings me to my third point the ideal shogen syndrome diet should be microbiome specific when it comes to managing trogan syndrome it’s crucial to understand that simply avoiding certain foods doesn’t get to the heart of the issue gut microbiome dysfunction the only way to effectively manage this condition is by addressing the root cause through targeted phytonutrients and specialized probiotic formulations crafting the perfect diet for shrin requires both a strategic approach and a deep understanding of how the gut interacts with the immune system this is where our mind gut immunity approach comes into play We Begin by recalibrating the gut microbiome using Precision probiotic these aren’t your average bot probiotics they’re clinically back and specifically designed for conditions related to gut health you don’t need High cfu counts multiple strains or Refrigeration all you need are four precise strains that create a protective bofilm in the gut helping to keep harmful bacteria at Bay once we’ve established these healthy colonies the next step in shrin is maintaining them with phytonutrients which are primarily found in plant-based Foods these compounds are essential for reducing inflammation and supporting immune balance now certain proteins can trigger immune responses leading to increased inflammation which is especially concerning for those with autoimmune conditions like shogren some complex proteins May provoke flare up so it’s important to be mindful of them however it’s easy to go through extremes with dietary restrictions for example while a vegan or strictly plant-based diet can be beneficial for some it might be too restrictive or lacking in essential nutrients for others the vegan diet for shoger and syndrome is a plant-based regimen that excludes all animal products including meat Dairy eggs and honey it focuses on a wide VAR iety of plant-based foods to meet nutritional needs one major issue with the vegan diet for Sherin is that many people on the vegan diet don’t consume enough protein leading to a protein calorie malnutrition which is a serious problem when trying to heal inflammation especially in the gut your body needs amino acids and protein should make up about 25% of your daily intake another Pitfall is relying too heavily on vegan or plant-based foods that are often filled with unhealthy processed ingredients like fake Meats fake cheeses and additives with harmful chemicals this approach doesn’t deliver the results my clients need a more balanced and sustainable option could be the Mediterranean diet the Mediterranean diet is based on traditional eating patterns from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and it emphasizes whole on processed foods prioritizing plant-based ingredients healthy fats and lean proteins for shogren disease one limitation of the Mediterranean diet for shogen disease is that doesn’t provide a reliable way to track your phytonutrient intake additionally it’s crucial that 50% of your daily calories come from Omega fats which are essential for gut microbiome health while the Mediterranean diet does feature many beneficial Foods the inconsistency in nutrient tracking can lead to imbalances that hinder progress for my cents we use a more precise approach by focusing on phytonutrient Rich diet we meticulously track carbs fats proteins and micronutrients daily to ensure that the diet is fully optimized and supporting the gut microbiome this level of targeting is essential for effectively managing autoimmune inflammation and promote long-term healing from shogren syndrome the fourth Concept in managing shogen synd syndrome is understanding and tracking individual food sensitivities when it comes to shogran the right diet must consider the unique food triggers I’ve dedicated an entire video to food sensitivity testing for shogan syndrome where I discuss the most effective tests and how to interpret the results it’s crucial for any diet plan to address personal food aversions sensitivities and allergies and the simplest yet most effective way to track these triggers is by keeping a food diary I understand that this may seem tedious but it’s a non-negotiable step for our clients and one thing to keep in mind during shogren is flare ups is nearly every food might feel like an issue however as you start to heal you may find that foods that were previously problematic become tolerable again and this is why it’s essential to regularly Monitor and update your food sensitivities because they can change over time as your shog improves so there’s four basic types of tests you have the skin prick test you have the serum IG test and these are your traditional allergy tests you have the serum igg4 test and the newer mediator release test which are more sensitivities I frequently review these results for my shogren clients guiding them on what what the findings mean for their diet and overall health if you’re interested in a deeper dive into interpreting food sensitivity tests for shogen syndrome I’ve got a detailed video that covers the different types of tests their advantages and disadvantages and the best times to get tested for instance it’s not ideal to get a test during a flareup due to the high likelihood of false positives testing when you’re in a more stable situation provides a clear picture of what’s truly causing the sensitivities the a diet is designed to help manage autoimmune diseases by reducing inflammation and promoting gut health it’s a strict version of the paleo diet and focuses on eliminating potential dietary triggers of inflammation and autoimmunity the diet typically progresses through several phases first you have an elimination phase where you’re eliminating all the foods that may cause inflammation or immune reactions these can include things like rains legumes Dairy eggs nuts seeds nightshades and then you have a reintroduction phase where you gradually reintroduce these eliminated Foods one by one to identify which triggers are present for your symptoms and this helps personalize the diet to each individual person then there’s a maintenance phase where you can maintain a diet and avoid the triggers while focusing on nutrient-dense anti same is also true for a low histamine diet the only reason I’m mentioning it here is that it often makes its way into conversations about inflammation and the idea here is that you avoid foods that trigger histamine commonly but it doesn’t address the gut microbiome component and it’s not specific to each individual since every person has different triggers I have several videos comparing the phytonutrient diet to each of the individual diets I mentioned here today so check out the description below to see the those videos because I go way in depth into some of these diets and why they fail and what you can look out for the key points of a low histamine diet include avoiding High histamine foods like aged cheeses fermented foods processed Meats alcohol vinegar certain fish and avoiding histamine liberators which means avoiding foods that release histamine stored in the body such as Tomatoes strawberries eggplants spinach avocados certain nuts and then you also want to avoid foods that have biogenic Amin and these are things like bananas chocolates and certain sit food these inhibit histamine degradation here are the principles of an ideal shogren syndrome diet they need to include phytonutrients I like the phyto diet they need to meet macronutritional requirements they need to be microbiome specific and take into account food sensitivities at the mut immunity Clinic we spend considerable time developing custom plans for each individual based on these principles we also provide coaching to ensure accountability and compliance which is why we achieve consistently great results compared to practices Focus solely on medication for shogren syndrome we teach shogren patients how to manage their diet from home offering meal plans food guides recipes and grocery list and the support ensures that our clients are never lost and can manage their condition effectively from anywhere if you struggle with shogen syndrome and found certain foods that help or certain foods that worsen your symptoms comment below I would love to hear about your experiences all right that wraps up this session be sure to check out my other videos comparing different shogran diets to the phyto diet and how they measure up and if you found this video helpful please share it with with others and don’t forget to like And subscribe for more content such as this this is Dr Doss with the Mind G imunity clinic thanks for watching and I’ll see you next time e