Avoid 6 Mistakes: MS Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropathy (SIBO, IMO, Candida, Leaky Gut, Histamine Foods)-

Most Multiple Sclerosis, MS physicians, specialists, and Neurologists are focused on ordering tests, and prescribing medication. But there are several areas which are commonly overlooked and these mistakes can cause inflammation to increase over time, without resolution

1. Ignoring Bowel Movements- Mucosa Associated Lymphatic Tissue (MALT), spleen, liver, Aero-Digestive tract- contains 80% of the body's immune system. American Gut Project- Top Tier Research Universities are able to predict autoimmune inflammation, exacerbation, and severity, based on the type of bacteria in the stool.  Gut microbiome optimization therefore is very important. Frequent regular bowel movements are desirable to prevent inflammation. Otherwise you get overgrowth of bacteria, sometimes called SIBO, or IMO if the bacterial produce methane. These bacteria cause the intestinal permeability to increase, result in leaky gut. There are tests you can do for SIBO, IMO, methane production, and Zonulin metabolites for leaky gut. C difficile colitis, also called clostridium bacteria, is another type of opportunistic infection from bacterial overgrowth. You can also get overgrowth of funguses such as Candida, which results in histamine intolerance.

2. Too much sugar, processed foods. There are several concurrent biochemical pathways of inflammation that get activated. Reactive oxygen species, oxidative damage. Fatty acid synthase (FAS), hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ),  nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) dysregulation. If you avoid these foods, you can activate protective pathways, that are anti-inflammatory in nature. These include NADPH oxidase and xanthine oxidase,  superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)

3. Deficiency in Phytonutrients- Long term paleo, carnivore, Atkins, weight watchers diets can be deficient in plant base micronutrients.

4. Ignoring stress and trauma

5. Poor Sleep

6. Sedentary Lifestyle

in this video we'll be exploring the top six mistakes that people suffering from multiple sclerosis make and how to avoid them we'll review some of my recent personal experiences working with multiple sclerosis patients and how they handle their condition properly useful info so stick around [Music] hi I'm Dr chanu dasri a surgeon who specializes in reversing inflammation caused by gut microbiome dysfunction my Approach called The Mind gut immunity method has helped thousands of patients overcome autoimmune disease and digestive dysfunction we can fix complex and severe conditions without medication this includes autoimmune inflammation and digestive dysfunction if you want to see how we do it and to see our actual success stories check out the link in the description or visit mgiclinic.com to request a discovery call now this talk will be focused primarily on multiple sclerosis and as you know I've had many people with Ms over the years reverse their symptoms and overcome inflammation without the use of medication but what makes these people special because many times when you go to the doctor you hear that multiple sclerosis cannot be cured in fact they may just offer you some tests and some medications and that's it I can tell you from my own personal experience dealing with autoimmune inflammation that I was told many of the same things that were simply not true so in this video I want to focus in on some some of the biggest mistakes people make when they listen to the wrong advice for multiple sclerosis and hopefully give you some perspective on how to achieve uncommon healing from Ms and reverse multiple sclerosis for good alright let's get started what are the top six mistakes to avoid when dealing with multiple sclerosis number one ignoring bowel movements as you may be aware 70 to 80 percent of the immune system is contained in the gut it's called mucosa Associated lymphatic tissue or malt for short and it covers practically the entire digestive tract there is additional immune tissue in the spleen and the liver and even the mouth in the upper Airways have significant contributions typically when we see inflammation that can affect the entire body whether it's the skin the joints nerves thyroid bowel salivary glands all of this inflammation including symptoms such as fatigue brain fog dry eye pain all of this inflammation originates and can get triggered from the GI tract the end or organ that gets affected may be the brain the joints liver eyes salivary gland nerves skin thyroid or whatever and that's related to the specific disease so the end organ can be different but a pattern I tend to see is that the inflammation starts in the GI tract and this has been found to be true in various research studies there's a famous effort underway called the American gut project it's a Precision Nutrition and precision medicine project that is being conducted at some top-level University Hospitals including University of California in San Diego they're able to predict the level of inflammation in the body including when somebody experiences exacerbation of symptoms they're able to predict this when it happens based on the stool that someone produces they basically analyze the Poo to figure out is this person about to develop worsening inflammation in the next several days to weeks which is all fascinating stuff to be able to predict what's going on several days in advance based just on what your stool shows so what does this mean for you in general when you're dealing with high amounts of inflammation in your body it has a lot to do with what's going on in your gut specifically which types of bacteria are in your gut how they digest food and how long these bacteria and their waste products remain in the intestines before exiting so how does this play out well for one it's important to have frequent regular bowel movements this seems obvious but for most people I work with this is a challenge they don't go every day or if they do they certainly do not empty all the way and this can be a problem second it's important for the gut microbiome to be optimized from a species standpoint I interpret a lot of advanced stool tests that look at the various populations of bacteria in their gut and funguses like candida we also look at the bacterial metabolites such as methane which you can see in sibo or IMO we also look at chemicals such as zonulin which you can see in leaky gut all of this data suggests that there is an overarching gut microbiome dysfunction and it's very important to introduce new healthier species to the system regularly and frequently to compete with the harmful microbes now it's my firm belief that if you conduct this type of advanced functional testing of the GI tract if you do this type of testing when you're inflamed everything turns out to be positive but if you repeat the test when the inflammation has resolved it tends to fall more in line with a normal range one limitation is that when you're inflamed let's say you get all these Advanced GI tests and you don't know where to focus your attention you may get obsessed with killing off candida or rating sibo with antibiotics or trying to fix leaky gut by using a bunch of supplements but if you think about it the main issue is not having regular bowel movements and if you don't fix this underlying issue this condition will return and can specifically cause autoimmune inflammation in addition to bowel movements it becomes Paramount that the diet helps support healthy microbial colonies and does not offset the balance of good versus bad microbes the intestinal system contains an ever-changing milieu of bacteria funguses and viruses some of these bacteria produce methane such as in the case in IMO sibo the specific subtype of bacteria is called archaeobacteria some of these bacteria also respond to antibiotics While others do not sometimes even healthy bacteria can be killed off by certain antibiotics and that's why you get conditions such as C difficile colitis C diff is when you have an overgrowth of clostridium bacteria in the GI tract and the reason this is important is the clostridium lays down a biofilm that prevents other good bacteria from growing in its place so when you get this condition it can be particularly challenging to get rid of if you don't know what you're doing the same is true for candida overgrowth sometimes you can have funguses that just take over and cause high amounts of histamine production here you see allergies hives brain fog bloating you can also see changes in the skin and the nails in addition to allergy symptoms such as post nasal drip and dry eye it turns out certain bacteria can also cause a spike in histamine levels and this is based on the type of diet that you're eating but also the type of bacteria that's in there and how long it's sitting there still on this topic one aspect that still gets ignored are viruses a lot of you probably know that viruses can infect human cells but did you know that they can also affect bacteria viruses are capable of injecting their genetic code into bacteria directly and can contribute to the virulence of certain bacterial strains they can also contribute genes that produce resistance to certain antibiotics so funguses bacteria and viruses all contribute to the human microbiome and these microbes have their own genes and their own metabolism and their own growth patterns that can either support the human body or sometimes harm it and it's important to know that the waste products of fermentation histamine biofilms can all cause damage to the intestines and activate the immune system causing inflammation elsewhere in the body so given these challenges diet can play a major role in keeping certain beneficial microbes supported number two too much sugar and processed foods so I get this question a lot especially in the comments section of my videos I hear about how people have eliminated sugar and processed foods in their diet and that was enough to reverse their symptoms permanently and there's a lot of Truth to that there are several reasons why sugar and processed foods wreak havoc in the body for one they create gut microbiome dysfunction the sugar and the chemicals produce overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal system in Upper Airways the result is that normal metabolism is negatively affected for example the metabolism of fatty acids in the presence of sugar creates harmful cholesterol derivatives like arachidonic acid and oxidizes tissue sugar and processed foods also increase the presence of a reactive oxygen species and activate enzymes such as fatty acid synthase hormone-sensitive lipase and peroxisome proliferator activating receptor gamma which can be further dysregulated by the consumption of processed foods in addition bacterial and fungus overgrowth due to sugar is a major and significant trigger of histamine production in the body like I said earlier excessive sugar intake can also activate pro-inflammatory Pathways such as NF Kappa beta triggering the release of even more inflammatory cytokines you may also remember from my other lectures that upon ingesting certain chemical additives the body can generate reactive oxygen species that cause damage to Cellular structures such as lipids proteins and DNA a the affected biochemical Pathways also include the activations of pro-oxygen enzymes such as nadph oxidase and xanthine oxidase and the inhibition of naturally protective antioxidants in the body such as superoxide dismutase catalase and glutathione peroxidase all this means is that excessive sugar and processed foods can cause harm and damage to tissues and severely limit natural repair mechanisms now you're probably wondering why not everyone why can some people consume carbs sugars and processed foods and have absolutely no problem and the answer is because they're not inflamed when the body does not have active inflammation it can normally handle these types of foods kids are a really good example of this assuming they don't have any type of inflammatory disease kids can consume large amounts of processed foods carbs sugars whatever and they'll be fine they may just be a bit hyperactive and then crash but they don't have the same kind of rip roaring inflammation as some people who have active immune inflammation and even in my clinic when people recover from their inflammatory diseases and they have been symptom-free for several months they can go back to eating some foods because the body is not triggered and it can handle these foods without an issue but when you are inflamed you cannot ignore the contributions of diet number three deficiencies in phytonutrients here's another topic that always comes up I'll always get some trolls in my videos talking about how paleo diets work and how carnivore diets fix every problem Under the Sun and this type of thinking has been around for quite a while remember the Atkins diet or even Weight Watchers the reasons these diets work is that they avoid sugar and process carbs mostly so most of the benefits of say a carnivore diet can be attributable to the low glycemic index of the foods themselves it also helps that the foods cannot ferment in the belly so there are some useful elements to these diets the problem however that I see is that a meat only diet is not as helpful as say a phytonutrient diet and I'll get into why in just a second typically when we talk about nutrition we look at the macronutrients phytonutrients are molecular compounds found primarily in plants and fungi that exert a strong positive influence on human health so remember I said earlier that avoiding sugar in processed carbs is important well most of the benefit that comes from paleo diets and carnivore diets are due to the low glycemic index of these diets they also don't have a lot of fermentable elements but the huge drawback and the reason these diets can create problems long term is that they are generally devoid of phytonutrients and there are eight main subgroups of phytonutrients that you should be aware of these include terpenes phenols chlorophyll thiocyanates phytoenzymes phyto oils prebiotics and alkaloids so imagine studying these phytonutrients in a systematic Manner and then putting them together into a diet plan well that's exactly what I did and it's called the phytonutrient diet or phyto diet for short and you can find the primer on Amazon just by searching my name in the phyto diet primer the phyto diet in my opinion provides a more useful framework for approaching food choices because meal plans are based on maximizing phytonutrients in the diet also it doesn't necessarily exclude meat or animal products so for everyone that thinks that it's a vegan or exclusively plant-based well you're wrong because there are plenty of plant-based foods that are unhealthy and can cause inflammatory diseases to worsen instead of looking at large classes of foods indiscriminately like plant-based or carnivore or animal based instead of assigning these wide overly broad labels to the diet I like to use phytonutrients as a way to judge whether food is helpful or harmful and I provide this framework to my clients when they're making their food choices it is very very important to customize parts of these diets to each individual to achieve the best results but we do see that the diet itself is capable of solving major illnesses because it supports healthy microbial colonies in the gut some of these slides that you just saw were from a talk that I gave at Stanford University on the topic of phytonutrition so this is an area that's getting a lot of attention a lot of press and I routinely get asked questions about my phyto diet and how it works number four ignoring stress and Trauma Canadian physician Gabor mate has famously stated that stress and Trauma are the root cause of autoimmune inflammation and digestive dysfunction in his book The Myth of normal he says that some authors believe that it's the main cause I can tell you from personal experience from working with clients that this is almost always the case I ask a few basic questions to screen for this I ask are there any unmet needs in your life unmet needs can include things like time spent in nature rest and relaxation sleep intimacy physical activity creative artistic expression opportunities to eat healthy food when I ask him about these unmet needs nearly everyone I speak to a hundred percent of the people I speak to have at least one or two now the follow-up question I ask is what is preventing you from fulfilling that unmet need and usually it's some type of obligation either they say I have to work or I have to care for my kids or an elderly relative or I have these social Financial family obligations so basically what this means is that they spend the majority of their day doing things that they have to do which means that they ignore their own needs and some of the things that they want to do they base their entire day on avoiding negative consequences and fulfilling their obligations and pleasing other people at their own expense and this can be dangerous so why is this called trauma it seems like what we just discussed is basically everyone in this world well Gabor mate differentiates trauma with a lowercase T small T trauma and Trauma with an uppercase t or Big T trauma Big T trauma can be things like abuse neglect physical assault or death of a loved one but small T trauma can be from seemingly ordinary life experiences that slowly teach the individual to ignore and dissociate from their own needs and unfortunately many people even ones that are well adjusted and successful deal with this in the mindgate community clinic we recently integrated a trauma and Stress Awareness tool that allows people to identify these issues and take action on them to see results quickly we also provide a supportive resource to help people achieve and overcome these issues in a reasonable time frame number five poor sleep now with regards to stress and unmet needs many people do not get proper restorative sleep their sleep may be interrupted or they wake up frequently and we have an entire module dedicated to optimizing sleep so that stress can be more easily managed throughout the day even one day of bad rest can lead to several days of increased inflammation so it's important that you do an inventory and really track how much restful sleep that you're getting people with poor sleep patterns have elevated inflammatory cytokines which makes autoimmune inflammation and digestive dysfunction worse number six sedentary lifestyle also along the theme of unmet needs lack of physical activity and exercise is a missed opportunity every time we exercise our bodies release cell signaling molecules and hormones that heal tissue these beneficial chemicals also block inflammation for example people that exercise regularly have lower levels of tnf alpha long term il-6 and tnf Alpha are cell signaling molecules you can measure in the blood that predict whether the body will have a dysfunctional response versus a healthy response in fact these cytokines are involved in a large number of chronic diseases in fact one of the most potent Inhibitors of tnf alpha is exercise and people with sedentary Lifestyles unfortunately have higher levels and here's a study that looks at just that not only that we also see that exercise helps promote a healthy microbiome and here's another study that looks at that you may be thinking with all that fatigue and sometimes with aching and pain how can you exercise and the answer is you adapt you create a training regimen that is personalized to your abilities and you stick with it consistently sometimes it's identifying abilities and expanding on a set of Maneuvers and motions that do not create a lot of stress on the joints or nerves sometimes it's slower more deliberate workouts to increase muscle tone usually when we see people in the clinic with limitations we work around them to help achieve success in the mind guide immunity Clinic we believe in reversing the root causes of multiple sclerosis to achieve lasting results we find solutions to inflammation without the use of medications and with the help of coaching and Expert Medical review we can dedicate real effort towards Improvement and specifically optimize diet digestion sleep stress and exercise these are the major areas that contribute to Ms and make multiple sclerosis worse now if you found this video helpful don't forget to like and share also if someone you know has multiple sclerosis and could find this helpful be sure to let them know I put out a lot of content about multiple sclerosis and how to reverse the condition naturally without medication so hit the Subscribe button for additional content from the manga immunity clinic and until next time I'm Dr bastard

thank you

Key takeaways

  • Ignoring Bowel Movements
  • Too much sugar, processed foods
  • Deficiency in Phytonutrients
  • Ignoring stress and trauma
  • Poor Sleep
  • Sedentary Lifestyle

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