Treating Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver (Hepatic Steatosis) is quickly becoming the leading cause of liver failure and liver transplant in the U.S.

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Main Symptoms of Fatty Liver

Symptoms can include any combination of the following:

Belly bloating
Weight gain and abdominal fat
Decreased energy
Issues with blood clotting (in severe disease)
Gallbladder disease (mimics)
Problems with fertility and libido
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Fatty liver is typically diagnosed in three ways. It can show up as abnormal liver labs, specifically elevations in the enzymes AST or ALT. It can mimic gallbladder dysfunction, so ultrasound imaging is another way it is often seen. When surgeons remove other organs, they may notice the liver bed is taken over by fat.

Regardless of how it is diagnosed, when fatty liver progresses, the consequences can be quite severe. Fixing the diet is one thing, but knowing what causes inflammation in the liver and how to properly cleanse and detox are important concepts that receive very little attention. In fact, when you try to find information on how to heal the liver, you get conflicting information and misleading sales pitches on what supplements to buy. But implementing a reliable strategy to see results fast is not difficult.

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Our way

The Mind-Gut-Immunity Method is helpful:

When your diagnosis is unclear
you may have some questions regarding your diagnosis. Fear not, Mind-Gut-Immunity is here to help you understand and treat your symptoms
When your symptoms worsen
There are cases where your symptoms may worsen over time when not treated correctly. Luckily, Mind-Gut-Immunity Clinic is here to help guide you on how to treat them correctly.
When your doctor misses something
Doctors can miss something with your diagnosis due to many patients or they miss it, With Mind-Gut-Immunity you can be assured we review each case as its own.
When you are tired of medications
Medications can be tiresome, and annoying to refill and keep track of. Mind-Gut-Immunity brings a whole new Holistic approach to your diagnosis.
When you want relief fast
With Mind-Gut-Immunity, we offer a holistic approach that uses science backed data to bring you relief based on your symptoms fast.
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The Mind-Gut-Immunity Method provides:

Clear, actionable information, powered by the latest research.
Easy to miss strategies for turning “OFF” bad genes and avoiding epigenetic triggers.
A useful tool for tracking progress, and identifying root causes of disease.
A reliable plan for reversing inflammation in weeks.
A long-term solution for reversing illness permanently.
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Free Yourself From Fatty Liver
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